When Using a Life Coach (Industry Stats):

are satisfied with coaching

(ask Chetan for some of his stats) lum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

improved their

(ask Chetan for some of his stats) lum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

improved their relationships

In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

improved their communication & social skills

In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

improved their work performance

In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

We get lost in the shuffle of life and simply lose our happiness.

Do you feel that you are sub-optimally living, feeling stuck, struggling with daily battles, want less pain and fear, and instead want more internal peace and happiness?

I can help you with
  • Lack of happiness/depression/grief: Improving mood, overcoming depression, getting past losing someone that has passed. Even if we feel life is somewhat okay, struggling with feeling internal happiness consistently on a daily basis.
  • Negative thought patterns/anxiety: Pessimistic thinking, focused more on the past or the future. Inability to still the mind, always on to the next thing, trouble turning the off switch.
  • Work/life balance & purpose: Imbalance causing strain. Questioning what is our purpose, should we be doing something else at this point in life? Lack of confidence, tend to self sabotage. Financial insecurity.
  • Relationships/Divorce: Trouble dealing with certain other people, absorbing negative energy, leading us to feeling drained. Difficulty with guilt, setting boundaries, and saying no.
If you are on a “pain island” and want to get to a “pleasure island”, my role as a certified life coach is to be the bridge!
My Life

It is imperative to understand that we are meant to be happy beings, and we have the ability and more importantly the right to internally get it back. Hence Reclaim Happy!

We strive to reach pleasure island to Reclaim Happy! This is a state of:
  • Internal happiness - External world goes up and down but our happiness is now more steady.
  • Calm - We can turn the switch off and relax, we can breathe again, we can be still and be present.
  • Empowerment - We take back control of our lives, we are in charge of our lives, we stop playing victim. We have more self-worth, we validate ourselves, we re-develop self-love.
  • Fulfilment/balance - We are doing what we want with the optimal work/life/stress/relaxation balance. We are more positive, we think glass half full, we see more of the good in everything. Feel financially secure.

Hey there!
I'm Chetan Patel.

I am an Indian-American that was born & grew up in the United States, partying it up in college while obtaining my undergraduate degree @ OSU. After graduating I began working full-time moving up to management and executive level at Nationwide Investments, receiving my MBA, building a family, and moving to the suburbs. Like so many others, at various points in my life I have dealt with burn out, marriage problems, anxiety, lack of confidence, being overly self-critical, people pleasing, and minimal depression (around inner guilt). I hit rock bottom in 2019, and it turned out to be the best thing that ever could've happened to me. I was catapulted into looking deep within myself, discovering the roots of my problems, reframing my obstacles, and implementing methods to tackle them all. Shortly after this happened I took a step down at work then eventually retired from my 17-year career. While I enjoyed my time there and how it helped provide my family with financial security, it was time for me to shift gears and fulfill what I believe is my ultimate dharma. I am now a certified life coach! I love the Buckeyes, meditating, being out in nature, golfing, partying once in a while, and hanging out with family, friends, and people of all backgrounds.

The Bridge to Happiness


Discover how Reclaim Happy can bring peace into your life. Free 1-hour consultation available, which will include some coaching. No pressure to sign.

Discover Your Goals

Everyone has a different journey. Together, we'll find what's most important to you, how to make it to those goals, and set out a program.

Be Happy

Learn how to use your newfound skills and mindset to Reclaim Happy in your everyday life.


Schedule a call

In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.


Set your goals

In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.



In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu.

Let's call

So... how does it actually work?

Below is an example of a very generic outline of how a typical session plays out. Not all sessions are the same as we may focus on some steps more than others during certain weeks depending on the situation and your capacity for that particular week.


Step 1

Catch up on how the week went


Step 2

Decide what key obstacle(s) to address


Step 3

Get issue off your chest for a therapeautic release


Step 4

Empathy of situation/acknowledgement of pain


Step 5

Reshape & reframe perspective of obstacle


Step 6

Guided visualization of outcome desired


Step 7

Share tools, techniques, experiences


Step 8

Optional meditation & wrap-up 

Beyond Coaching

Learn to reframe and rethink the way you perceive your obstacles. As a certified life coach specializing in research-based methods and spirituality, we will answer empowering and challenging questions to help you find your most important "a-ha" moments to create a sustainably happy life.

Certified Life Coach

Vivamus quis mi. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam.

Certified Cognitive Behavioral Practitioner

Vivamus quis mi. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam.

Certified Meditation Instructor

Vivamus quis mi. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam.

Financial coaching

Vivamus quis mi. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam.

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Happiness is not something ready-made, it comes from your own actions.
- Dalai Lama

Join hundreds of happy people (Testimonials)

Let's call

Alex Thomas

Agency Owner

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Johanna Lin

Freelance Developer

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Jessica Wood


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Rachel Fox

Business women

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Peter Smith


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Ron West

Business Owner

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Our Process

Two common problems with a lot of self-help literature are it pushes individuals to just fight their problems head-on and it just strengthens the ego. We create our reality through our own perception, thus most of the battle is overcoming our own mind vs. just the external environment.


The first step is to reshape the size of the problem into something that is more manageable to overcome which reduces the stress and anxiety around both facing the issue and taking the first step to overcome it.

Many individuals do not even start because of a perceived insurmountable fear or do not revisit their struggles because of setbacks in the past.


Then we will reframe the obstacle along with any negative connotations and victimization into opportunities with positive attributes and accountability.

Reclaim Happy

We try to reach pleasure island without reliance on unnatural products, drugs, alcohol, or material/external factors. I do not force anything or lecture, I am merely the facilitator.

My approach in supporting you to Reclaim Happy :
  • I utilize an abundance of research-backed techniques from various areas: life coaching, cognitive behavioral therapy, various other psychology, spirituality, meditation, yoga, finance, etc. I blend Eastern and Western philosophies.
  • I ask empowering and challenging questions to help peel back layers to get the root and help you think about things in a different light.
  • I help you get a better understanding of the intricacies of the mind (ego, conscious and unconscious mind) and the different ways it manipulates us then we work to break those mental patterns.
  • I perform guided meditations and visionings to help you go deeper.
  • I assist in setting up goals, creating guardrails to remain on track, and improving accountability. I share experiences, storeis to help you feel less alone.
  • We are implementing a whole new way of thinking that will support you in your near-term struggles but also future obstacles in the rest of your life. A real re-wiring of your whole system, a transformation.

The Reclaim Happy Difference

Every life coach is a little bit different. I blend Eastern & Western philosophies in my practices, using methods and ideas backed by research to help you Reclaim Happy.

My Coaching
Other coaches
Research-based Approach
Certified Meditation Instructor
Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner
Guided Visionings
Go Beyond the Analytical Mind/Spirituality (if open to it)
Financial Coaching

I get asked this a lot

If you still have some questions, have a look at my FAQ

How often do we meet & how long is the program?

Typically we would meet weekly for an hour and continue until it sticks because this is not a band-aid fix.  However, if schedule or finances are an obstacle, we can look at every other week or other options to fit your needs. There is no minimum required set # of weeks. If goals are reached, foundation is reset, and you have put it into practice then we can choose to taper the program or end it. Clients experience material differences even after the first session!

How much does it cost?

Free 1-hour consultation available (which includes some coaching) with no pressure to sign. Thereafter, the investment in yourself is $69/hr & is HSA reimbursable under most plans! Think of all the things we have wasted money on that have not brought us the peace and happiness we were looking for. Here, we are transforming whole lives for the long-run, and I firmly believe in my abilities. A percentage of proceeds will be happily donated towards meals & supplies for underprivileged children in India and other countries.

How do we meet?

Sessions are done over the phone, over Facetime/Google Meet, or in-person depending on the circumstances and highest likelihood of consistency.

What requirements do you have?

The only requirement is a willingness to change. Many people want to change but do not want to change to change. If you do not want to change, then this may not be suitable for you.

I am already working with or have worked with a therapist/doctor/other healer. Will this interfere and how is this different than therapy?

I will partner alongside them to help create the best you as there are times where it takes different skillsets to get us to ultimately Reclaim Happy! A good portion of my clients have tried traditional talk therapy in the past and either were unhappy with the results or achieved what they needed and are now looking to a life coach for the next step in their journey. I differ from traditional talk therapy in that I try to move more from the past to the current and future, and am more goal, action, and accountability driven.

What if I am scared to face myself?

It is not easy to face ourselves especially doing it alone. A coach is certified to assist in this process of unraveling the old self and building the new self. We will utilize various tools, techniques, concepts to provide comfort and safety along with forward progress.

Does spirituality mean religious?

Spiritual does not mean religious or anything overly complex. It is simply about going beyond our ego and tuning into our self at a deeper level to find the answers within us and to reframe our life.

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Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.
Deepak Chopra : Personal Notes

Find Tools and Insights to Reclaim Happy with my Blog

On our journey together, I will teach you different exercises and techniques so you can create the live you deserve. Read on to learn about some of these different tools.

Ready for the best coaching?

Let's have a chat and find your balance.
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